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Learn how leading dental technician Dimitris Liolios utilises 3D printing as part of his digital workflow, specifically for full arch digital workflows.

A recording of this webinar is available to watch on demand.


Dimitris Liolios

Dimitris Liolios was born and raised in the city of Chania in Greece in 1985. He is a second generation dental technician, and since 2006 he is the co-owner of “Liolios-Dental Art Center” dental laboratory in his hometown, alongside his father and sister. He specialises in cosmetic anterior cases, complex full mouth cases, implant cases and he is an expert CAD CAM user. He has attended various courses with renowned masters such as Gerald Ubassy, August Bruguera, Nondas Vlachopoulos, Stefan Picha, Skip Carpenter, Jungo Endo among others. He has been lecturing and demonstrating both national and international since 2015. He is a Key Opinion Leader for GC Aadva Lab Scanner and Asiga 3d Printers.


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