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When do you expect to see a return on your 3D printer investment? When should you?

Minh Tran from Dental Tech Tips navigates the initial set-up costs, the appliances you can produce with an Asiga 3D printer and ultimately how quickly you can expect to see a return on your investment. Or, is the ROI immediate when exposed to Asiga’s quality, speed and high production reliability!?

A recording of this webinar is available to watch on demand.


Minh Tran

Minh Tran is a 2nd generation dental technician from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. With 15 years of experience, primarily as a CAD/CAM dental technician, Minh was one of the first users of 3shape Dental System in Canada and brings a wealth of knowledge. He is a lecturer, trainer, and has been a speaker, consultant, and technical advisor for multiple companies including 3shape, Asiga, core3dcentres North America, Fullcontour, Pritidenta, DAL, and Abutment Direct. Minh has served on the program advisory committee of St. Clair College in his hometown of Windsor to develop a new Dental Laboratory Technology program. Minh is a member of the American Prosthodontic Society and currently serves on the communications committee. He is also the founder and creative director of DentalTechTips, an online independent publication and blog focusing on unbiased product reviews, offering tips, tricks, tutorials, and the latest and greatest in the dental laboratory industry.


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